
Friday, August 9, 2024

MY SHEIL IS GLOWING! An Original short story by: Anushka Bhatt


By: Anushka B.

As the great warrior of Qouton, toke out his sword and shield and embraced himself for battle

against the army of Mality. Mality had about 2x the warriors of Quoton, but Quoton had a secret.

A long, long time ago the kingdom had a magical secret which faded away once a traitor stole

their book of secrets, but back to the present moment which is the prince of Quoton, Quill getting

ready for battle. There have been many rumors about him since he was born. For example when

you look inside his mouth you see the whole galaxy, and his skin is blue because a snake bit him,

and he’s indestructible and immortal. The battle was starting in about 10 minutes, by that time all

soldiers were out and ready and Mality was out as well. They soon clashed into each other like

drums. The prince was an amazing fighter, he beheaded every malitian he saw one by one. Until

he saw the kind of Mality, but what he didn’t notice was that his sword was glowing for about

five minutes by then, he looked at his shield and cried, “MY SHIELD IS GLOWING!” He kept

saying that until he saw everyone one of the malitians float into the air, where they were stuck

there. Everyone of them except the king. Quill stood still and then charged at him, and with a

slight flick of Quill's sword the king was gone. “THE MAGIC IS BACK!” said one soldier


“What magic?” said the prince.

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