
Sunday, May 9, 2021

Random What Ifs… by Saanvi Kunisetty

 Random What Ifs…

Saanvi Kunisetty

What if the Earth was flat? This makes no sense whatsoever, but what if it was? Would there be no seasons? Would we die because the Earth wouldn’t spin on its axis? Since it was flat…

What if we just fell off Earth into space?  That would be painful, especially without an astronaut suit, oxygen, and preparation. And that just would get confusing with all the space rules in gravity. Would we just start floating up or something? Hmm...Gravity…

What if an apple never fell on Isaac Newton’s head? Supposedly, the reason Isaac Newton discovered gravity is because he was sitting under an apple tree when an apple fell on his head. This provoked him to wonder why the apple fell down, and not up. So, who would have discovered gravity if the apple hadn’t fallen? We really have to thank that long gone apple.

What if we fell up? Imagine falling was falling up? Like, maybe, if you tripped, you wouldn’t fall to the ground. You would instead rise into the air and then land softly on the ground. Technically, this would prevent many injuries. So, maybe it would be better if we fell up? 

What if we never got injured? Would there be any pain in the world? Nothing would ever hurt. People could take big risks without sacrificing lives, which would be a big advantage. But then again, that is physically. People would get more hurt mentally, I would think.

What if we didn’t have emotions? Then, we would, really, actually, not get hurt. This would be helpful. But, we really need emotions. Our life would have no point without emotions.

What if there was no life on Earth? That would be better for planet Earth, no garbage, littering, pollution, and all. But, what is the point of Earth existing if there is no reason for it. What is the point of all those trees, rivers, and mountains, if nothing ever saw it. 

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