
Monday, August 12, 2024

Is Social Media Eating Our Brains?, opinion piece, by Samaksh Bhargav


Is Social Media Eating Our Brains?

Let's talk about the elephant in the digital room: social media. It's like that cool, shiny new toy we all wanted as kids, but now we're not so sure it's good for us. It's this weird mix of amazing connection and soul-sucking comparison.

On one hand, it’s like having a global party invite. You can connect with anyone, anywhere. It's a digital hug for your lonely nights and a way to share your life's highlights with the world. Plus, you can learn stuff. Like, did you know you could learn how to bake a soufflé or build a rocket ship on TikTok? Mind blown.

But then there's the dark side. It's like that one friend who always makes you feel bad about yourself. You scroll through endless highlight reels, comparing your behind-the-scenes reality to everyone else's perfectly filtered facade. It's a recipe for feeling like a total loser. And don’t even get me started on cyberbullying. It’s like being picked on but amplified a million times.

It’s like our brains are on overload. One minute you're laughing at a funny cat video, and the next you're spiraling into a black hole of self-doubt. It's a rollercoaster of emotions, and it's exhausting.

So, what's the answer? Unplug and live in a cave? Probably not the most practical solution. But maybe we need to hit the pause button every once in a while. Spend some quality time with actual humans, or even just with yourself. Explore a hobby, read a book, or take a walk in nature. It's like giving your brain a much-needed vacation.

And let's be real, it's okay to not be on every trend. You don't have to have the perfect Instagram feed or be TikTok famous. Your worth isn't determined by likes or followers. Focus on building real connections, nurturing your passions, and taking care of your mental health.

Social media is here to stay, but it doesn't have to control us. Let's use it as a tool, not a crutch. Let's be mindful of how it makes us feel and set boundaries when needed. After all, a happy and healthy you are the best version of you.

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