
Monday, July 22, 2024

A shoe fell out of the sky? short story, by Anushka Bhatt

Anushka Bhatt

July 21th, 2024

A shoe fell out of the sky? 

short story

Timeline: 1789

As I stared at the humongous, brown, torn  shoe in amazement, not officially processing what happened in my head. All I saw with my eyes was a big, brown “blob,” falling from the heavens right next to me. 

Without losing any time, I thought of how the shoe got there, and transformed into the next Nancy Drew. Maybe it was aliens! Or better yet Zeus, it did fall from the heavens after all. What about Jack playing a sick prank. However, none of my theories really made sense to me or hooked me. 

I then called a bird to deliver my letter so it could call the nearest carriage. I directed the stupid carriage man to go to Jack’s house, but he obviously didn’t know anything. Soonly enough, I got through it and  went to my trusted friend, Jack. Jack’s an expert at shoes, and a great friend. The only con with him is that he isn’t such a clean, organized guy. As I greeted his mom and I found out he wasn’t at home and she’d gone crazy looking for him. After reassuring her I entered his room, I saw one thing (besides the piles of clothes on his floor and his unmade bed). Jack’s window was open, and right outside was the biggest beanstalk I’ve seen in my whole thirteen years of living. Jack isn’t a smart guy, and left me certain clues that figured out one of the three occurrences  I came across today; where is jack? Why is there humongous beanstalk in this backyard? And the case of the mysterious humonques shoe. 

There was a file of seeds right next to Jack's desk, so I hurried over there and you probably thought I did some investigating or sciency stuff, but no. I just read the label, and it said, “ sky giant seeds.” Everything was slowly adding up. After that I wanted to seem like a pro detected by jumping out the window, but I was afraid because Jack's mom would kill me. 

I just ended up going out the backdoor, there I found Jack's shoes, and his tiny footprints up the beanstalk! Looks like Jack not showering for three weeks and only using baby wipes did come in handy afterall. Now, you may be thinking I climbed up after him, but no. I had a will to live and I want to be a doctor when I grow up. So, I got the following materials; a ladder,, bindass incase of injury, knee caps, apple juice box if I was hungry, extra Band-Aids, rope (to strangle jack of course), helmet,  and as much of the shoe that fit in my bag. 

After crying three times and having two panic attacks, I went up the ladder and reached the top of the beanstalk soon enough. 

“Am I in heaven,” I said  as I shook fear out of myself. 

The simple answer was that I wasn’t. I obviously wasn't going to the church, because imagine what they'd do to me. I was not trying to like Galelio, smart dude, but dumb decisions. Sounds familiar doesn’t it?

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