
Thursday, February 29, 2024

Tips on studying by Kavya Chunduru

 When a big test comes up, it's hard to stay on task for hours on end without getting distracted. Here are some productivity tips to help you on your next test. 

First, plan your study schedule ahead of time. You don’t want to cram study it all in one day cause that could lead to you being so overwhelmed. Plan your days before you start studying and divide the topics up so you can focus on a topic or two a day. This could help a lot because it's hard for your brain to process so many things in a short amount of time.

Next, adding on to the tip before, set study goals for each day. It helps you have something set in place. After achieving each goal you could think that you were finished for that unit or sub unit and there wasn’t much more to do for it.

Set yourself specific break times. Not taking breaks while you're studying can do more harm than good. That's why you set yourself specific times that you can get up and take a stretch break. You have to be careful about breaks because it's easy to forget about time and end up spending too much time on your phone or doing something else and losing time and focus. 

When taking notes, use brighter colors to understand concepts better, like red and blue. Research shows that the color red helps you focus and the color blue helps spark creativity. Using those colors, you can understand your notes faster and easier.

Lastly, listen to music. I find that listening to music motivates me for when I want to get things done fast. Don’t listen to fast paced loud music, but find some quiet music on your streaming app that you can play into the background or turn down the volume a lot if you're using earbuds.

Now, hopefully you can use these and apply them when you're studying for your next test in school.

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