
Saturday, December 9, 2023

The Toxins of Social Media- and How to Help Article by: Svetina S

 The Toxins of Social Media- and How to Help

Article by: Svetina S

Social media platforms have been taking the world by storm in recent years, connecting people all around the world with a few clicks of a button. Today, nearly everyone is immersed in social media, creating accounts on every single platform to share things with their friends in different ways. However, not everything about social media is positive. There are many negative side effects that people may not realize at a first glance, especially when their brains are not fully developed.

To start, social media can create unrealistic expectations. Especially on platforms like Instagram or TikTok, people try to post the best parts of their life. However, when looking through these highlights, it may seem like their entire life is perfect from an outside view. This can cause feelings of dissatisfaction or unhappiness with your own life. It’s important to know that nothing is as perfect as it seems. Nobody would want to share their darkest moments on social media, because they aren’t “trendy” or because they wouldn’t get a lot of likes. Furthermore, more people edit their photos than you would think, creating an even more distorted view of reality.

What’s more, social media is extremely addicting. A new form of content has emerged, consisting of short videos that can be scrolled through without limit. TikTok, Instagram reels, YouTube shorts- they are addicting, and these companies know it. They are designed to captivate your attention and make sure that you never leave. If you get bored of a video, you can swipe and replace it with something new in less than a second. Therefore, even when people realize the negative effects of social media and want to leave, it can be difficult because they develop a drug-like dependency. 

If you are looking to reduce your social media use, you’re in luck. Here are a few tips to help you escape from the cycle that so many other people are helplessly stuck in. 

  1. Set screen time limits on yourself.
    The best way to stop using social media is to not let yourself use social media. By setting screen time limits, you are controlling social media rather than letting social media control you.

  2. Delete your social media apps.

This doesn’t mean that you need to quit social media completely- after all, there are still some benefits. However, try switching to the web version instead of the app. It’ll be less addicting while still allowing you to connect with your friends.

  1. Get a new hobby.

Find something that you enjoy more than social media- something that makes you feel better after doing it, not worse. This way, you can do something that will provide long-term happiness and fulfillment. You could try reading, art, exercising, or hanging out with your friends.

Quitting an addiction is never easy. It’s important to take things one step at a time to ensure long-term results. Remember that you are capable of taking control of your own life and leaving an addiction behind even if it is difficult. The results of hard work will always be worth it.

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