
Friday, February 10, 2017

BOOK REVIEW : Replica By Lauren Oliver by Sulphia Iqbal

BOOK REVIEW : Replica 
By Lauren Oliver
February 7th        BY SULPHIA IQBAL


From a distance, the Haven Institute, tucked away on a private island off the coast of Florida, looks serene and even beautiful. But up close the locked doors, military guards, and biohazard suits tell a different story. In truth, it is a clandestine research facility where thousands of replicas, or human models, are born, raised, and observed.

But when a surprise attack is launched on Haven, two of its young experimental subjects—Lyra, or 24, and the boy known only as 72—manage to escape. As they make their way through a new and menacing environment, they meet a stranger named Gemma, who has embarked on a perilous quest of her own. And as Lyra tries to understand Haven’s purpose, she uncovers earth-shattering secrets that will change the lives of both girls.


Gemma has been in and out of hospitals her whole life. A sickly child, she has grown into a lonely adolescent whose life is circumscribed by home, school, and her best friend, April.

But after she is nearly abducted by a stranger claiming to know her, Gemma starts to investigate her family’s past and discovers her father’s mysterious connection to the secretive Haven research facility. Hungry for answers, she travels to Florida, only to stumble upon two human models, or replicas, 24 and 72—and a completely new set of questions. As Gemma tries to unravel the mysteries of Haven, she learns terrible truths about herself and her family that will threaten to destroy everything she loves.

Two girls, two stories, one novel.

While the stories of Gemma and Lyra mirror each other, each contains revelations critically important to the other story. Their narratives can be read separately or in alternating chapters.

I had so much expectations for this book, but I will sadly say I didn’t get past chapter four ( technically the eighth chapter, though ) . The cover was neat, but the rest was just boring. Don’t make the mistake of falling for that amazing cover like I did.

BOOK REVIEW : Like A River Glorious By Rae Carson by Sulphia Iqbal

BOOK REVIEW : Like A River Glorious
By Rae Carson
February 4th         BY SULPHIA IQBAL

After a harrowing journey across the country, Leah Westfall and her friends have finally arrived in California and are ready to make their fortunes in the Gold Rush. Lee has a special advantage over the other new arrivals in California—she has the ability to sense gold, a secret known only by her handsome best friend Jefferson and her murdering uncle Hiram.

Lee and her friends have the chance to be the most prosperous settlers in California, but Hiram hasn’t given up trying to control Lee and her power. Sabotage and kidnapping are the least of what he’ll do to make sure Lee is his own. His mine is the deepest and darkest in the territory, and there Lee learns the full extent of her magical gift, the worst of her uncle, and the true strength of her friendships. To save everyone, she vows to destroy her uncle and the empire he is building—even at the cost of her own freedom.

The second epic historical fantasy in the Gold Seer trilogy by Rae Carson, the acclaimed author of The Girl of Fire and Thorns

I LOVED the characters in this book. I was used to most of these characters from the first installment of the series, but there was a great deal of development that I think really had me liking this book as I read.

The Joyners, a family which consisted of Rebekah, a widower whose husband died coming to California, and her three young children, were a really endearing part of this book. I felt for Rebekah throughout this book because her struggle was real, dealing with three children, one just recently born, all on her own, with no female assistance aside from Lee. I find it amazing how she dealt with all of it in 1849 Gold Rush after taking a cross country trip from Tennessee to California. There were so many labels that could’ve stopped her - widow, women, single mother of three, even bad cook - but she defies all of them.

And then there’s Leah “Lee” Westfall and Jefferson McCauley. For those who have not read the first book, Lee is a girl with a magical ability to sense and attract gold. She ran away from her home in Georgia after her uncle murdered her parents to use her powers and soon joined her best friend Jefferson in Missouri. They both joined a traveling group that was heading for California to earn gold, except Lee has to disguise herself as a boy because her evil uncle is coming after her. Jefferson is my favorite character in this book. He’s kind and considerate, willing to keep Lee’s secret until she was ready to spill, offer the Indians peace offerings,and take in Martin when he had no family.

The beginning was really good.

It’s starts out with Lee and the rest of her group deciding on an area to begin their camp. When she finally decides to reveal her dangerous secret, The Hoffmans, one of the families who had accompanied the group, decide to head back to their home. When her Uncle, who is after her, sends his men to Glory, the group knows they’re in for a whole lot of trouble.

The development of Glory and the people that begin to inhabit it  is pretty much what happens for the entirety of the book, until the last 40 pages or so. What I didn’t really like was the ending because it was a bit too fast for my taste. We don’t get to see much of the villain until the end.


I would say read this book just purely because of it’s characters. Their development is enjoyable and their interaction with each other had me laughing at times. I applaud Rae Carson for spotlighting diversity in this novel as well.

“So I pull harder. More gold coats my arms and legs. I don’t have to look to know I am a golden statue, shining like the daughter of Midas. Except the gold is mine. I’m the one in control. Come.”

“What did we ever do to him?” Jefferson asks.
“We exist,” Tom says simply. “Look at us. Look at who we are.”
We’re a half-Cherokee boy, a one-legged war veteran, three confirmed bachelors, and two uppity women. Little does Frank know we also have a runaway slave with us, but I’d die before I told.”

It was an enthralling addition to the Gold Seer Trilogy and I would recommend it to anyone. You do have to read the previous book to understand it , though.
Check it out at the library and goodreads :

How to Study Better By Rav Kaur

How to Study Better
By Rav Kaur

Have trouble scoring well on tests? Do you study all night and still can’t get that A? Then read this article for more information on how to do to better in your classes!

1.    Don’t study too much: Studying for more than 2 ½ hours at a time can actually make you do worse on tests. Studying for a really long period of time can make your brain start to forget things, and you will stop processing what you are saying.
2.    Don’t study too little: Now, just because you shouldn’t study too much does not mean you should only spend 15 minutes studying. Spend at least 45 minutes to an hour to study for a test. Spend more time if it’s a harder test or something you’re not confident about. Spend a little less time if it’s something easier.
3.    Don’t listen to music: I know everyone listens to their music while doing homework or studying, and I do too. Who doesn’t? But I find that I get more work done faster and I understand the topic better if I shut off my music and just concentrate on my work. If you really must listen to music, then listen to soothing music with no lyrics.
4.    Shut off your phone and other distractions: Having your phone on and near you is the worst way to study. Even if you tell yourself you won’t use it, eventually you will, and you will find yourself scrolling through Instagram or using Snapchat for the hour that you were supposed to be using to study. Putting your phone away in a different room is the best way to guarantee that you will not be tempted to use it.
5.    Make sure you are in a place with no distractions: In order to study well and not be distracted, make sure you are in a quiet place that has no distractions. If you have a sibling, make sure you are not studying around them, and do not study in your bedroom if all of your possessions are in there, as you will be tempted to use them.
6.    Have a goal in mind: Sitting down to study without having a goal in mind will lead to zero productivity. If you study without a goal, then you will just look at random topics, and not focus on what you need to. A goal is very important when you want to review certain things for a test. Maybe, each day, focus on one thing you need to work on, and the day before the test review everything.

7.    Start studying 3-4 days before the test: Cramming the night before the test will NEVER work out. Especially if you have more than one test the next day. Always make sure you start out at least 3 days before your test, so you can split up the work and get a better understanding of whatever it is you are studying. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Movie Review for Now You See Me By Rav Kaur

Movie Review for Now You See Me
By Rav Kaur

            Looking for a bit of excitement, thrill, suspense, and mystery with a taste of magic? Then Now You See Me is the movie for you.

Four magicians, with no connection whatsoever, brought together by an unknown source and asked to perform together. All specialize in different things, such as card tricks and hypnotism, but all of them excel at deception. Performing on a big stage, they perform a magic trick, and steal an enormous amount of money from a foreign bank in Europe. How did they do it? Well, a magician never reveals their secrets. However, the FBI is after them, as they committed a grand heist with everyone watching, and managed to get away with it. Their shows lead up to the grand finale, where they will perform the trick of the century. Their shows and tricks are all being planned by an unknown person, a member of the mysterious organization called The Eye. However, with the FBI after them, and a magician debunker out to get them, will they be able to pull it off? Watch Now You See Me to find out!   

How to make Ice Cream Chocolate Bites by Krisha Shah

How to make Ice Cream Chocolate Bites
by Krisha Shah

Dessert is something that definitely brightens up parties and people’s moods. Are you in need of a fun dessert that will make a lasting impression? Here is a foolproof recipe that will cause you to become the image of a dessert chef.

Ice Cream Chocolate Bites
You need:
  • Mini cupcake cups
  • Cupcake pan
  • Chocolate chips
  • Ice cream (flavor of your choice)


  1. Put your cupcake cups in the cupcake pan.
  2. Melt down your chocolate in a ceramic or glass bowl. To melt, put the bowl in the microwave in intervals of thirty seconds. Stir the chocolate each time you take the bowl out of the microwave.
  3. Once the chocolate is fully melted, put an even coat of chocolate on the inside of the cupcake cups.
  4. Freeze the chocolate for around fifteen minutes, or until hardened. If you feel that your previous layer was too thin, add another layer of chocolate and freeze.   
  5. Peel off the cupcake cup. (It should look like the image above.)
  6. Take a spoon of ice cream and put it inside the cup. Freeze for fifteen minutes. Enjoy!   

Raw, By Hana Malik Book Review by Aleena Khan

Aleena Khan

Raw, By Hana Malik
Book Review

    I stumbled across this short, but powerful poetry book a couple of months ago. It was written by Hana Malik, a NYC-based visual artist who has a passion for writing and expressing individualism. Raw is  a short collection of poetry written to display thoughts on concepts such as self-love, forgiveness, survival and cultural identity. I loved this book because it was short, but very powerful. It's a great book to just have on your nightstand and to browse through if you are having a bad day. The book put the everyday struggles into short and sweet phrases that were easy to understand; I recommend this book if you are getting into poetry and yearn for a beautiful read. I really loved each word of the poems and it really spoke to me. Here are two of my favorite poems:

Too add, I love the simplicity of this book; how every page is black and white with no color. Therefore, the name Raw.