
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Overuse by Harrison Chiu

By: Harrison Chiu

The positive connotation of abundance is misleading. It implies that more is better; a common, sustained misconception today. Out of the words that mean a large quantity of, it is remarkably hard to find one with a negative connotation. Excessive, with the negative connotation of oversupply fits better. The value of something inversely relates to the relative abundance; in other words, less means more.
This relationship is easiest to observe in economic situations. The diamond industry prospers because of the false, lowered supply. The value of money decreases due to inflation. Water costs more during a drought, and oil during crises in the Middle East. Precious gems are only more precious than similarly sparkling glass due to their rarity. When there is a smaller supply (than demand), prices of goods and services tend to increase. (Although one must include demand to correlate this with economics, value typically diminishes as quantity increases, regardless of demand as all goods or services have some starting value.)
However, one can even begin to extend this to relationships. A best friend is especially valued because he/she is the one and only “best” out of your friends. The phrase loses all meaning when every friend you have on Facebook is your “best friend.” Similarly, dating and marriage only have meaning due to the loyalty to one partner. The bond between two people is special because it is only between husband and wife, girlfriend and boyfriend.

Even beyond relationships and economics, humans judge value in terms of relative availability. Without limits on quantity, or scarcity to help us, nothing would be of value. 

Death of Wisdom by Harrison Chiu

Death of Wisdom
By: Harrison Chiu

With hemlock wisdom does depart
A final lesson before the new start
Questioning, questions, questioned now
Death of wisdom, the solemn head bows
All are asking, who will ask
But questioning is their own task
Blindly labeling wrong and right
Death of wisdom, all think alike
All lost in indifferent apathy,
All that is asked is “Why me?”
To think and ponder, to open one’s eyes,

Is to challenge ignorance, question why

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Refugee Crisis: The March Towards Freedom Samhitha Balaji

Refugee Crisis: The March Towards Freedom
Samhitha Balaji

            Hundreds… Thousands… Millions of people escaping Syria and its ruler, President Bashar al-Assad. They go in all directions, looking for a new place to live.

This problem started with the Syrian war, in which ISIS (The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) began to fight the rebel militaries and hurt the innocent citizens. Since then, ISIS and the president have used chemical weapons (poisonous chlorine gas) against the Syrians in the country. During this problem, 200,000 people have passed away, 8 million are displaced around the country, and 4 million have run to camps. The camps have been set up in countries that border Syria like, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey. But now, there is one small problem… an overflow of refugees.

The refugees scatter all over Europe, looking for a place to stay. Countries all over have agreed to fight and help throughout the crisis. President Francois of France and Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain have agree to take in over 20,000 refugees each over the years. This generous act is helping thousands who are escaping, but it doesn’t size to the actions Germany is taking. The country has decided to help a half a million refugees each year, and pledge billions of dollars towards solving the problem. Just a while ago, citizens had lined up their own shoes to give to the refugees who had ran (on foot) from Syria. Austria and Sweden have also shown extreme generosity in assisting the refugees. All over Europe, there is help and acceptance.

Not only are these countries helping, the U.N is working to feed and support these escapees. The U.N has set up camps for the refugees in countries bordering Syria, so they can stay safe until help arrives. The United States is taking in 100,000 and more refugees each year and providing them with support to live. Centers have been set up for assistance, but the goals of the refugees are to get to Germany. All the countries are pitching in to rescue these people as they march away from the terror in their old homes.
The way I see it, the countries have become one in order to help the people. Although they are taking enormous steps to assist the refugees, I feel that they should take bigger steps to end the war once and for all. We should be able to help these countries provide for the refugees. To make a donation, we can go to and help support the famlies that have lost their homes. We can all take small actions to aid these refugees. Let’s join the U.N and work to find a solution to the refugee crisis.

High School Tips by Shweta Murali

High School Tips

So I’m officially a freshman. It’s hard to believe that I just started high school less than three weeks ago and all I can say is: Holy cow. This is certainly different from middle school. Although I haven’t been at SBHS long, I have definitely learned some vital lessons from my experience so far. So if you’re a freshman like me, an eighth-grader anxious for the transition next year, or even an upperclassman, you will surely be able to utilize my advice.

1.    Don’t procrastinate. Now this is coming from the Queen of Procrastination herself, and I’m trying my best not to be a hypocrite. But sometimes I just can’t help but sit down with a bag of popcorn and Netflix on my laptop and think, “Oh, I can write that essay later. I have a week.” Then one episode turns into two, and two turns into an all nighter, binge watching, wondering what my life has become. A week flies by then suddenly it’s 11:30 at night and my paper is due tomorrow- and I’m staring at a blank screen. It happens to all of us, but you have to learn to manage your time and prioritize. If you are able to do so successfully, you will (hopefully) not fail all your classes.
2.    Get involved. You may not want to try out for a sport or be in a club because you think it will be too time consuming, but you will regret it. Getting involved in extracurricular activities is one of the main things that will make your high school experience memorable. Not only will you have a great time and get active, but you will make a ton of new friends in the process. So yes, go to that football game after school even though you would prefer to stay at home in your pajamas. And yes, wear your black and gold! Trust me, being a part of the South Brunswick community is an absolutely incredible thing.
3.    Last but not least, HAVE FUN! Believe me when I say I’m trying my best not to be too cliche, but this is honestly the greatest thing you can do in order to enjoy high school. You’re a teenager, and these are some of the best years of your life. You’re going to look back and think about your experiences and friends, not about your GPA that should have been a 4.0 instead of a 3.9. So yes, still study and maintain your academic performance; that is the main reason we go to school. But still enjoy yourself!  Be social, be involved, and be yourself. Don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself to be the best in your class. Surely strive, but strive for excellence, not perfection, because perfection is an unattainable ideal. Everyone says freshman year is torture and you’re going to hate it (words from my fellow sophomore friends). But, it’s really not that bad. Sure, there’s the occasional stress and the last minute cramming for tests you completely forgot about it, but you eventually learn how to deal with it. When you’re feeling anxious about this massive step into new territory, just remember one thing: change is good. 

By Shweta Murali

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Hershey Park Review by Chandu Singathi

Hershey Park Review by Chandu Singathi

In the midst of all that fun you’ll be having at the great land of Hershey Park, you might start to get hungry.  Well, lucky for you, you don’t have to waste too much time trying to find quick-served, healthy food at a nearby restaurant.  Search for a few seconds on the map of the park and you will instantly spot Hershey’s very own… Tidal Force Catering!  As you approach the entrance, don’t worry about what to do next, because you will be escorted by the kind workers there, and they will show you where to go.  The delicious classic American-styled food will be waiting for you at the buffet once you enter the pavilion.  Everything is there!  Fresh salad, delicious burgers, and even tasty macaroni & cheese.  Also, if you have allergies, you don’t have to be concerned because if you simply inform the workers, then they will help you enjoy an alternative meal.  After a filling, nutritious lunch, you can savor some delightful desserts such as yummy icecream bars, flavored popsicles, icy cold drinks, and, of course, a Hershey’s bar!  I mean, after all, the awesome candy is your main reason for coming!  But don’t stuff yourselves too much because you still have rides to enjoy!

Hershey Park Candy Review by Chandu Singathi

Hershey Park Candy Review by Chandu Singathi

Although there is a bunch of really good candy at Hershey’s, including Jolly Ranchers and Twizzlers, a normal person like me ignores all of those and dives right in to the scrumptious delicacy of a Hershey’s chocolate bar!  No matter what flavor you enjoy, your satisfaction will always be at the high end of the scale—no doubt about it.  As soon as you break off a piece of a candy bar, you dream of being carried away into a chocolate-filled wonderland.  Chocolate fountains instead of sinks, chocolate milk instead of water, and chocolate pancakes instead of your ordinary breakfast cereal.  The sweet, tasty goodness melts onto your tongue slowly, giving your tastebuds an amazing tingling sensation.  Ahh, you think, awed at how a simple candy bar can have such a powerful effect on you, and you savor the last bits of the outstanding fantasy food as real-life pulls you back in.  Now that is what happens when you take a bite out of a Hershey’s chocolate bar.  If you don’t believe me, go and try it, and then come tell me what you think.